Thank for your interest in donating. ImageNation is a 501C3 Nonprofit and would greatly appreciate the following:
Monetary Gifts (Donations of $40 or more earn you a membership)
60 Portable Theater Seats
DLP Projectors
BluRay Decks
4K digital cinema projection system
Movie Screens
Flat Screens / Flat Panels
DLP Screens
Audio Equipment
HD Video Cameras
Laptop Computers
External Hard Drives
Lighting (Track Lights & Pendant Lights)
Ipads and Tablets
Hard Wood Floorings
Bathroom Tiles, Toilet, Fixtures
Acrylic Boxes, Stands and Displays
A Vehicle
Complimentary Printing Services
Office Supplies
Mail Donations to:
ImageNation Film Festival, Inc.
Manhattanville Station, POB 1345
New York, NY 10027
Or dropoff Monday thru Thursday, from 4:30pm to 8:30pm at:
ImageNation's RAW SPACE
2031 Adam Clayton Powell Jr. Blvd.
New York, NY 10027
Please email with any questions or concerns.